六道题看穿你的抗老潜力:压力正悄悄 “剪短” 你的端粒 KellyOnTech



市面上延长端粒的产品要么还在试验阶段,要么价格不菲。这期就介绍一个自测你的抗衰老能力,看看压力是否损坏了自身端粒健康的测试。它由 2009 年的诺贝尔奖获得者 Dr. Elizabeth Balckburn 提出。特别指出,这项测试不是诊断量表,旨在提高你对以某种方式应对慢性压力的倾向的认识。



  1. 当你考虑如何应对这种情况时,你感到的希望和信心与恐惧和焦虑相比有多大?( 0 – 4 分)

0 充满希望、信心 2 各有一定程度 4 恐惧、焦虑

  1. 你是否觉得自己拥有有效应对这种情况所需的一切?( 0 – 4 分)

4 完全没有 3 2 有点 1 0 拥有所需的一切

  1. 你对这种情况的反复思考有多深?( 0 – 4 分)

0 完全没有 1 2 有点 3 4 非常深

  1. 你在多大程度上避免考虑这种情况或尽量不表达负面情绪?( 0 – 4 分)

0 完全没有 1 2 有点 3 4 尽量避免

  1. 这种情况让你对自己感觉有多糟糕?( 0 – 4 分)

0 完全没有 1 2 有点 3 4 非常糟糕

  1. 你在多大程度上以积极的方式看待这种情况,看到可能从中产生的一些好处,或者告诉自己一些让你感到安慰或有帮助的话,例如你正在尽最大努力?( 0 – 4 分)

4 一点也不积极 3 2 有点 1 0 非常积极

面对压力,你的应对方式是 “抗老能手” 还是 “抗老杀手”


如果你的测试总分在 11 分及以下,那恭喜你,你的压力应对风格相当健康。面对压力,你不会轻易被其威慑,反而更倾向于将它视作挑战,还能巧妙地限制压力对生活其他方面的影响。


要是你的总分达到了 12 分及以上,别担心,你和很多人一样。在压力环境中,由于个人思维习惯的影响,你感受到的威胁会被放大。

而这些习惯,无论是直接作用还是间接影响,都与端粒缩短脱不了干系,可能会在不知不觉中加快身体的衰老进程,所以需要多多留意并尝试改善 。








问题五聚焦于我们在压力情境下的自我威胁意识。当面临棘手的压力状况且事情进展不如人意时,不妨问问自己,是否会感觉自尊心受挫,甚至开始怀疑自己的个人价值与身份认同?压力是否会促使你产生一系列诸如 “我怎么这么没用” 的负面自我评价,让你觉得自己仿佛一文不值?






亿万富豪和超模的 “逆龄密码”:端粒如何重塑生命长度 KellyOnTech

亿万富翁比如 Jeff Bezos、Sam Altman、Peter Thiel 与超模 Veronica Webb、Kate Moss 等等之间,究竟藏着怎样意想不到的交集?



端粒(Telomere)是染色体末端的保护帽,帮助细胞保持健康,由重复的 DNA 序列和相关蛋白组成。

为了更直观地理解,不妨想象一下鞋带。端粒就像鞋带末端的塑料套,看似毫不起眼,却默默守护着鞋带的完整性,保护我们的 DNA 不受损坏或纠缠。细胞每一次分裂,就如同鞋带在日常使用中不断受到摩擦,端粒也会随之逐渐变短,恰似塑料套慢慢磨损。当塑料套被磨没了,鞋带就会从末端散开,直到没法用了。同理,随着时间的推移,当端粒变得太短时,细胞就无法正常工作。端粒与衰老和某些疾病的产生有着千丝万缕的联系。


当我们出生的时候,在每个干细胞里,大约有5000-6000个端粒,而科学家测算过,端粒从开始磨损直至耗尽的时间大约为 120 年。这一科学发现,也正是 “人理论上可以活到 120 岁” 这一说法的重要计算依据。







截至目前,这类旨在延长端粒长度以达到抗衰目的的产品,依旧处于紧锣密鼓的试验阶段。不过,一款名为 Telomir-1 的产品,已在业界成功吸引了众多目光,成为众人瞩目的焦点。它是由专注于抗衰老科学研究,并在纳斯达克上市的制药公司 Telomir Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 精心研发的新型小分子,其核心使命便是延长端粒长度。2024 年 11 月,Telomir 公司公布了具有开创性意义的临床前研究结果,这一成果令人振奋不已,不仅证实了 Telomir-1 具备延长生物体寿命的潜力,更惊喜地发现它还能显著改善健康寿命,让生命在更长的时间里保持良好状态。

据该公司介绍,Telomir-1 从最初的小鼠试验,到后续在狗身上展开的深入研究,再到如今的人体细胞试验,一路表现出色,成果斐然。在实验数据中,它能够将人体干细胞里的端粒含量提升 10 倍之多。以年老的狗为例,原本其干细胞中仅有 300 个端粒,经过 Telomir-1 的作用后,端粒数量飙升至 3000 个,从外观上看,狗的面貌焕然一新,姿态也变得更加矫健,全身仿佛重新焕发了生机,活力满满。


值得特别强调的是,Telomir-1 这款神奇的药物,其应用价值远不止于抗衰老。它还在医疗领域展现出了巨大的潜力,有望用于治疗早衰症、2 型糖尿病,以及一系列与衰老密切相关的疾病,如阿尔茨海默病、某些类型的癌症、威尔逊病和骨关节炎等。这意味着,它不仅可能改写人类对抗衰老的历史,还将为众多患者带来战胜疾病的曙光,助力医学发展迈向新的里程碑。


Understand the Core of the AI Era—Or Get Left Behind!

What Defines the AI Era?

Is it data? Algorithms? Computing power? While these elements are essential, they are not the true core of the AI era. The real game-changer is decision quality.

AI has transitioned from the lab to the real world not just because it can process vast amounts of data or execute complex calculations, but because it has fundamentally improved the way decisions are made. This leap in decision-making capability is what’s reshaping industries, transforming our daily lives, and defining the future of technology.

Go Battle: The Pinnacle of AI Decision-Making

Remember the Go* match that shocked the world in 2016? AlphaGo played against the top human player Lee Sedol. Since then, no human has ever defeated AI in the world of Go. AlphaGo’s victory is not accidental. Every move it made was a carefully calculated decision. Unlike human players, who rely on intuition, experience, and real-time judgment, AI evaluates countless possibilities, predicting dozens — or even hundreds — of moves ahead. This duel was more than the victory or defeat of a Go game; it marked a revolution in decision-making itself.

*Go, an ancient Chinese strategy game is played with black and white stones, where the player who controls the most territory wins. Known as the “King of Board Games,” it embodies art, wisdom, and deep philosophy.

Autonomous Driving: AI Decision-Making in the Real World

The improvement in the quality of AI decision-making is not only reflected on the chessboard but also in our daily lives. Autonomous driving is one of the best examples.

What is the core of autonomous driving? It is the perfect fusion of perception and decision-making.

The limitations of human driving: Humans rely on our eyes to navigate the road, but our field of vision is limited and blind spots are unavoidable. We use our ears to detect sounds, yet distractions — music, conversations, or outside noise — often distract us. More critically, human learning is finite. Once we learn to drive, few of us refine our driving skills further. Fatigue, stress, and emotions like road rage further increase accident risks.

Advantages of AI driving: In contrast, AI-driven cars are equipped with multiple cameras, radars and sensors that provide a 360-degree view of the surrounding environment without blind spots. AI doesn’t get distracted, fatigued, or emotional. Unlike humans, it learns and optimizes continuously, adapting to complex road conditions, and improving safety over time. Eventually, AI-driven cars will surpass human drivers in reliability and efficiency.

From the strategic brilliance of Go to the precision of autonomous vehicles, AI is changing the way the world works with more efficient and accurate decisions. AI is transforming decision-making across every domain. As AI systems become more advanced, making faster and more accurate choices than ever before, they are redefining how the world operates. 

As AI decision-making seeps into every corner of life, the real question is: How can we find our place in this wave? In this AI-driven revolution, are you ready?

Special Notes

Over the past 20 years, I have had the privilege of working with founders, investors, and technical teams from technology companies worldwide, particularly in China, the United States, Canada, Singapore, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany, Japan, and beyond. Given the diverse national and cultural backgrounds, misunderstandings are sometimes inevitable, especially when it comes to perceptions of China.

To bridge this gap, starting this year, I have decided to regularly share insights from thought leaders in China’s tech industry, offering cutting-edge perspectives and unique viewpoints.

My aim is to foster deeper mutual understanding and break down unnecessary barriers. After all, in an era of rapid AI advancements, humanity must work together to navigate the complexities of intelligent technologies and jointly build a brighter future.

Liang Ning Introduction

The above content is compiled based on Liang Ning’s understanding of the AI era.

Liang Ning is an outstanding business thinker in China’s technology field. In her 20s, she worked with Academician Ni Guangnan to develop China’s domestic chips and operating systems. Later, she founded a well-known outdoor travel portal, Green Man. After the website was acquired by Tencent, she served as Tencent’s product manager. After leaving in 2014, she focused on in-depth research of enterprises.

Video version


2025 破什么会让你的心态超越99%的同龄人


2025破什么会让你的心态超 KellyOnTech


本科学哲学的黄子华是我喜欢的香港演员之一,由他领衔主演的电影 《破地狱》以香港殡葬行业为蓝本,讲述死亡这一深刻话题。


“破地狱” 起初是香港道家超渡亡灵的传统仪式,现今已作为一项殡葬仪式被纳入中国非物质文化遗产名录。


“破地狱”,其本意乃在于打破地狱对亡者的禁锢枷锁,然而殊不知,在世之人亦亟需一场心灵的 “超渡”。尘世之中仿若存有 “地狱”,那便是深植于我们内心的诸般执念。你我皆为尘世凡人,各自怀揣着形形色色的执念。“退一步海阔天空” 之语,我们已然听闻过太多回,可每每身处具体情境之中,却常常难以释怀,不愿放下执念,去冲破那禁锢心灵的牢笼。






Fubao Panda 福宝熊猫

其实即便心怀 “我执”,也可以尽情体验和享受这来之不易的人生旅程,哪怕生命从一开始便似进入倒计时,又有何妨?就如张曼玉所言:“我的人生,我来创造。” 

2025 年乙巳蛇年,让我们满怀期待地奔赴新程!


2025年你准备以什么样的心态度过? 获许可以从你的AI 小助手为你选的书里找到答案


我的 AI 小助手帮我选的是法国作家阿尔贝·加缪创作的哲学随笔《西西弗斯神话》。









English version

What mindset should you have in 2025? Your AI assistant’s book recommendation might hold the answer

What is the first book you’ve read in 2025? If you’re unsure, perhaps your AI assistant can help!

My AI assistant recommended The Myth of Sisyphus, a philosophical essay by French writer Albert Camus.

In Greek mythology, Sisyphus, the son of Aeolus, the god of wind, angered Zeus and was condemned to an eternal punishment. Each day, he was forced to push a boulder up a mountain, only for it to roll back down just before reaching the summit — an endless cycle of monotonous and seemingly futile labour.

Logically, one might expect Sisyphus to fall into despair from such an unrelenting and purposeless task.

But one day, as Sisyphus descended the mountain to begin again, the goddess of love passed by and noticed him smiling and in high spirits. Surprised, she asked, “How can you be so happy while doing something so repetitive and dull?”

With excitement, Sisyphus pointed to a beautiful flower in his hand and replied, “Look! I found this on the mountainside. Isn’t it wonderful?”

Sisyphus pushed the boulder endlessly, knowing it would never stay at the top, yet the mountain paths he traversed, the flowers he picked, and the fresh air he breathed were all real and tangible gifts. These moments were not in vain.

Isn’t life the same? It’s a tapestry woven from daily moments — our joys and sorrows, frustrations and happiness, triumphs and setbacks, all intertwined. If we focus solely on distant, seemingly unreachable goals and rush through life, we risk overlooking the quiet beauty that blooms along the way.

In 2025, let us fully embrace each moment with intention and cultivate inner peace. Let’s not miss the countless small surprises that are uniquely ours to discover. Let our hearts grow soft and sensitive, shedding unnecessary vigilance around us and embracing every aspect of life.

Together, let’s live this year with a sense of serenity and fulfillment.

Video version


No Touch Love: Exploring The Enduring Influence of AI empowerment on humanity

Recently, the global media has been flooded with talk of the threat of artificial intelligence. A Google search for “AI threats” turned up more than 270 million related contents in 34 seconds.

American economist Robert Solow once said, “People always overestimate the short-term benefits brought by a technology but underestimate its long-term impact.” Here I use a story “No Touch Love” to discuss about the long-term impact of AI empowerment on humanity.

Story: No Touch Love

The story takes place in 2042, in the post-coronavirus era, people have to learn coexist with viruses. Chinese “fist-holding salute “has become an internationally popular etiquette because it does not require physical contact.

Chinese “fist-holding salute” 

In that era, many people barely left their homes, and all their daily living could be met by unmanned express delivery and household robots. Some people no longer pursue full-time jobs but live a satisfying life by accepting part-time jobs such as designing skins and props for VR games. For example, the heroine in the story — Chen Nan.

Chen Nan, who is based in Singapore, witnessed the death of her grandfather, grandmother and both parents during the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, which caused mental trauma and suffered from a phobia that isolated herself from the world.

Despite this, Chen Nan still longs to be loved. She fell in love with a young man from Brazil, Garcia, online, a kind of contactless spiritual love. Whenever Garcia asked to meet offline, Chen Nan refused again and again because she was extremely afraid of being intimate with her lover.

To help his loved one to overcome her fears and prove that even huge culture differences cannot stop the love between them, Garcia even registered a virtual avatar that replicates 100% of his own image, down to his poles and scars. He put his AI-powered avatar into a Singaporean city simulator and lives his life like an ordinary Singaporean. He was proficient in using various local applications and complying with local regulations and guidelines. However, when he again requested to meet Chen Nan offline, he was still rejected.

AI 2041

The story ends here. If you are interested in how Garcia uses various AI applications to win Chen Nan, you can read the book “AI 2041”co-authored by Kai-Fu Lee and Chen Qiufan.

Kai-Fu Lee is the founder of Innovation Factory, which Time magazine listed him as one of the 100 most influential people in artificial intelligence in 2023. Chen Qiufan is a sci-fi author, screenwriter, translator, and curator who was nominated for the second Sanlian Humanities City Award in 2023.

AI Technology that Makes People’s Lives Easier

Bio-Sensitive Film

In the future, we no longer need to always carry a variety of physiological data monitoring instruments. We only need a thin bio-sensing film. This kind of film, which is attached to the inside of the wrist, can display various physiological data in real time (including whether the vaccine in the body is effective), and it is a Digital Health Profile (DHP) certified by the national medical institution.

Digital Medical Records

Birth, old age, sickness and death are inevitable experiences in life. Digital medical records will greatly improve the efficiency of communication between doctors and patients, as well as the effectiveness of disease diagnosis and treatment. In the future, our biochemical data will be collected through various sensors.

For example, bio-sensor film can obtain body temperature, heart rate, bioelectricity, and other parameters. Micro-sensors enter the body in the form of capsules, and can perform blood testing, cell sampling, and monitoring tumor markers, without the need of invasive operations. Even human excrement can be analyzed for its composition through the smart toilets.

In addition, all data will be transmitted to the cloud and reports will be automatically generated by the medical AI, and the transmission process will be encrypted to prevent theft by criminals.

Will Artificial Intelligence Threaten Human Existence

As artificial intelligence becomes more and more powerful, we can’t help but wonder: Will AI pose a threat to human existence?

There are ongoing debates about this in the philosophical community, but it is broadly believed that if AI has self-awareness, then the end of mankind will not be far away. The definition of self-awareness varies. However, it has the following characteristics that are unanimously agreed:

(1)Able to describe the surrounding environment and things through language, and make corresponding evaluations.

(2)The ability to reflect on oneself.

Once artificial intelligence has self-awareness, it means that it can think independently, understand the meta-theorems and meta-rules of things, and is no longer bound by the rules and definitions of the human world.

On the one hand, we are looking forward to the various conveniences brought by the continuous enhancement of AI functions, such as smart homes, smart robots, smart transportation and so on, but on the other hand, we are worried that the singularity of AI with self-awareness is approaching.

When discussing the future of artificial intelligence, although it is full of uncertainties and challenges, we can remain optimistic, face it with an open mind, look at the situation with a smile. There is no need to overthink, and what should come will come naturally.

The original article comes from Mans International website


《无接触之爱》:AI 赋能对人类的长期影响 KellyOnTech




美国经济学家罗伯特·索洛(Robert Solow)曾经说过:“人们总是高估一项科技所带来的短期效益,却又低估它的长期影响。” 或许我们可以向老祖宗学习,从积极的角度来看待功能比人类更强大的人工智能。在这里借《无接触之爱》这个故事来展望一下 AI 赋能对人类的长期影响。



中国人的“抱拳礼” (拱手礼)

在那个时代,许多人几乎足不出户,所有生活需求都能通过无人快递和家务机器人来满足。一些人不再追求全职工作,而是通过接受一些设计VR游戏皮肤和道具等兼职工作来过上自己满意的生活。比如,故事中的女主人公 – 陈楠。




《AI 未来进行式》

故事就讲到这里啦。如果您对加西亚如何利用各种人工智能应用技术抱得美人归感兴趣,可以阅读由李开复和陈楸帆联合创作的书 《AI 未来进行式》。

图片来源:搜狐网. 《AI未来进行式》书籍封面


让人们生活更加便利的AI 技术

在未来,我们不再需要随时携带各种监测各种生理数据的仪器了,只需要一片薄薄的生物感应贴膜就搞定。这种贴在手腕内侧的贴膜,能够实时显示各种生理数据(包括体内疫苗是否有效),而且是经过国家医疗机构认证的数字健康凭证(Digital Health Profile,DHP)。

图片来源:University of Bath. 生物感应贴膜示意图

生老病死是人生中不可避免的经历。数字化病历将大大提高医生与患者之间的沟通效率,以及疾病诊断和治疗的效果。未来,我们的生化数据将通过各种传感器进行采集。例如,生物感应贴膜可以获取体温、心率、生物电等参数;微型传感器以胶囊形式进入体内,可以进行化验血液、细胞取样、监测肿瘤标志物等工作, 不再需要侵入性的操作。甚至人体的排泄物也可以通过智能马桶分析其成分。另外,所有数据传送至云端后,将由医疗AI自动生成报告,并且传输过程都将进行加密,以防止被犯罪分子盗用。








在探讨人工智能的未来时,我们或许可以借鉴白居易的诗 “但见波涛不见人,江湖思绪万端。笑看风生与云起,不思量,自难忘。” 正如诗中所言,尽管未来充满了不确定性和挑战,但我们可以保持乐观,豁达地面对,笑看风云,无需思虑过重,该来的自然会来。



KellyOnTech Quote Of The Week 2021.12.24 And More

What inspired you this week?

KellyOnTech Quote of the Week 2021.12.24

“Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.” Lao Tzu

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KellyOnTech Quote Of The Week 2021.09.24 and More


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KellyOnTech quote of the week 2021.09.24

“When everything seems to be against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” Henry Ford

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